Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register?
Register by calling to ensure the class you want is still available, print out the registration form, and show up on your first day of class a few minutes early and ready to go!
Is there a registration fee?
Yes, there is a registration fee of $45/child which is non-refundable.
The session has already started, can I still register or do I have to wait for the next session?
Yes, you can still register for this session. We will pro-rate the fee so you are only paying for the classes that will be attended.
Can I try a class before I register?
Yes, you may attend a trial class. Please contact us for details.
What should I wear?
Leotards are always best and are required for our team. Students in classes are encouraged to wear leotards but can also wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t get in the way such as shorts, leggings, tank-tops and tee-shirts. Bring a sweatshirt for those cold days! No jeans, footed tights or dangly jewelry are permitted. Children with long hair should have it out of their face – ponytails are best.
Is there a sibling discount?
Yes, the second child receives 10% per session.
How long is a session?
A standard session is 8 weeks long, and we have two summer sessions consisting of 4 weeks each to allow for family vacations.
What if I miss a class?
We do allow make-up classes, usually 2 per session. If you need to miss a class, let us know and we will find an alternate class for you.
I want my child to be on the team, what should I do?
Team is by invitation only. Team members are chosen by Lisa or Michelle or recommended by their class teachers. But if you are interested, please let us know and we will gladly evaluate your child.
Do I need a special leotard to be on team?
Yes, our competitive team girls are required to have our team leotard for competitions only.